Saturday, May 11, 2013

To Wean or Not to Wean.. that is the question

I am in the process of weaning rocket man. He is 15 months old. It's time.

The thing is - 15 months is usually my cut off time. The first two either weaned themselves, or I "led" them to wean.

Except this one. He is a different breed.

The kid LOVES it. Like, he is a booby addict. If he doesn't get his "fix" he starts tweaking out a bit.

The other day he started head butting me in my boob. Kept banging his head right up against it. And another time he tried to take A BITE of it through my shirt and bra. "Um...yeah."

For him-it's an "experience". It is like having a cold brewski, a way to relax and unwind.

Also-he hates milk. Cows milk. Once I started giving it to him, he looked at me like "You gotta be KIDDING me lady." I'm surprised he didn't just shake his fist at me and point at my chest instead.

I'm almost afraid to take it away from him. Like-will he get violent? Will I need someone to pull him off me? He is plenty aggressive as it is, WITH the booby-time in his life.

At first I was torn.."He's the last baby... he likes it so much.. it comforts him.. he needs me.."

But then I was like "Are you CRAZY? Freedom is right around the corner girlfriend!!!"

(And-the kid has got A LOT of teeth and lately it feels like he's chewing rather than sucking. I think he can sense the weaning process and I'm afraid he won't let go one day. He'll be the pit-bull of weaning and will lock his jaw up just to get his way.)

My hubby says "Cut him off", just like that. Easy for him to say. He doesn't stay home with the mafia king all day, chewing through HIS shirt to get to HIS nipple.

(A friend of a friend said once her son turned a year she told him "get off me" and that was that-Gotta love her.)

There is so much I want to do once I stop breastfeeding: Get my hair straightened (chemicals are toxic!) Get a Mammogram! (well- I don't want to, but need to), Be able to take Nyquil when I'm sick! Finally get rid of these boobies (I'm totally over it. They are getting in the way and make me feel Fat), burn these dang nursing bras! I HATE nursing bras. They are worn and sad and need to be put out of their misery! Maybe drop some of this baby weight! Get my energy back (soooooo tired all the time, although I'm sure that has something to do with having THREE kids).

I swear there's more to the list but at the moment I feel like I'll be breastfeeding him FOREVER, so at this point, stopping is right up there with say.. riding a unicorn one day.

Somehow I can see this going on for a L-o-n-g time....When he doesn't make the team at school, when he's had a rough day on finals, when he needs a little "pick me up".

I'm down to one feeding at night, but it might as well be five because we all know that is the sacred one. YOU DON"T MESS with the "night-time-right-before-bed-feeding". Tonight I tried it out and he just looked at me like "Hey. HEy. HEY. You better not be doing this to me NOW lady. I got molars coming in, I'm working day and night on learning how to climb, I took three really big craps today...."

Plus- I was so full tonight, that I needed him to relieve me. Unless that kid is sneaking into bed with me when I'm asleep for a "snacky snack" then I don't see how that is possible. I stopped one feeding at a time to avoid discomfort but today I felt like Pam Anderson (after enhancement/before reduction/back to enhancement.. you get my drift) and I woulda PAID the kid to nurse.

So I guess check back with me in a month or so--already got my hair appointment scheduled so I can't wimp out. I really, really need to get it done. My hair changes after every kid and this last time? Afro circus baby, with pubic hair-like texture. Yay for me!!!!

P.s. For the record? In my opinion---boys are a lot harder to wean then girls. My daughter was in and out, botta bing botta boom and she's done. The other two? They've got some like, "attachment" to it......I hope this doesn't mean they'll be "booby men".

P.p.s. I know many women who go on to breastfeed until their kids are 2, 3 or even 4. More power to you ladies! But me? I'm tired, my boobs are tired, thank you for the experience, I'm good-thanks, and I am D-O-N-E.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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