Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blood, sweat and tears

Happy Mother's Day All!

This morning all the kiddos piled in the bed to wish me a "Happy Mother's Day" complete with cute cards and gifts. (Daddy done good)

My son's card from school said "Thank you mom for making me lunch you are the best mom in the world." Funny kid. Gotta love him for his low standards... I hope his teacher knows I DO feed the kid-check! (I mean there was that one time I got a note home for NOT giving him lunch but that was because the kid left it IN THE CAR but never bothered to say anything until lunch time that "he had no lunch". Nice one kid. For the record I got a not-a-very-nice note from the school office about how we need to feed them everyday....ya think?)

After our little lovefest of warm and fuzzy feelings/cuddles, I asked if I could take a picture of them, my littles. And then the crying started from my princess. She always cries. The crying? Is getting old...

Then rocket man started crying so we declared pictures-done.

I told my hubby that to the kids? Mother's Day lasted until all presents are opened. Then it is officially done and all bets are off.

I enjoyed the day (mostly). Mom's really don't get a day off but I can tell the kids tried very hard (when they were told through gritted teeth for the twentieth time that IT WAS MOTHER'S DAY!!!!) and the hubby did all that was humanly possible (even you're outnumbered by little humans) to help me relax.

Being a mom is hard. REALLY hard. Harder than I ever thought it would be. Sometimes, when I think about how HARD it is, it makes my brain hurt. But then I'm distracted by some "mom" duty to think about it too long, which is probably a good thing.

I LOVE my kids. I love them so much I want to EAT them. But then I couldn't enjoy them, plus it's cannibalistic-so I don't. I refrain from it daily. But they are cuddly, smell good (mostly), sweet, funny, wild, crazy, and well-they are my life.

Plus? They were a LOT of work to grow and sustain up to this point. Blood, sweat and TEARS baby! I'm sure as the years pass I won't be looking too hot because of how these kids have sucked the living heck out of me, but I do have to say having them was the best thing I've done with my life.

Wonder what my kid will put in his card next year? When he's realized by that point that if I don't feed he and his siblings-I could go to JAIL. So I kinda have to...???

** Now that I think of it, I wonder if the teacher "suggested" the lunch comment to give me credit when I DO feed him? Hmm....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. LOL. ;) Gotta love 'em~sweeties!!! Happy Mother's Day~blood, sweat, tears an' all!


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