Friday, May 10, 2013

Control Issues

So today I took ALL three kiddos to the doc. For the two boys it was physicals. For my baby girl it was to check on her cough she's had on and off for the last...ever?

We talked about discipline with my oldest. Apparently I had somewhat of a clue, but not completely. I was being too much of an..."iron fist" let's say. Or, "helicopter mom" which I personally was pretty darn proud of!

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I only had one baby. He was a late talker. He was shy, very shy. He was very clingy and only wanted me. When we went out or on playdates, he wanted nothing to do with others. He would constantly be the victim because well, he never spoke, never stood up for himself.

It was MY job to protect him. Maybe a bit too much. I was his mommy, his friend, his "everything". Isn't that what we SHOULD be?

Well, fast forward a few years...say 8? I am still THAT mom, but he is NOT that little boy anymore.

He talks ALL the time. Maybe TOO much? He gets in trouble at school for talking too much, playing with his friends when he should be listening to his teacher. Sigh...

But I guess I should be happy, right? Instead of getting on his case, "helicoptering" around him, hovering, constantly. I should let go of my "hold" on him. Let him experience the world a bit for himself.

Apparently I have "control" issues. Tell me something I didn't know why don't you...?

I guess I'm worried that once I give up the control, I may lose the reins and never get it back? Or-I'm just stuck in a rut and it's hard to change?

There are sooooo many issues with this and I guess I need to change my parenting approach a bit?

Apparently YELLING is not helpful. Nor is NAGGING.

But show me a mom who doesn't?

I guess nothing ever really does stay the same.

Did I mention: I HATE change.

(P.s This was a FUN (read:not) day. All the while of trying to have the doctor examine/discuss things with me (with 3 kids- I got confused a few times as to who the heck we were talking about ) rocket man was all over the place in my arms. I think at one point he was sitting on my head. Really, the kid should be called octoboy. I swear he has more arms/legs than any baby should...)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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