Monday, April 22, 2013

"Oh.....I W-O-R-K"

So recently (yesterday) I asked several "friends" for activities for my very active (read- aggressive) almost 15 month old on facebook of all places. I know, I know...I'm on there way too much lately. Boredom I guess.

I got several responses. One of which included "Since you don't work, you can do a, b, or c".

You could hear a pin drop in that cyber world.


What I did want to say was "Hey girlfriend. I DO WORK. Every dang day, even when I'm off, in fact, there is no OFF time for me. I don't get paid, I rarely feel like I've completed a 'job' and I don't get to eat or pee in peace."

And, I know for a fact that she herself has never been a stay at home mom because we stay at home moms stick together and would never NEVER say such a thing.

We KNOW what we go through every day. (Shudder)

Also, I know that when she would be on "vacation" (paid- can you imagine?) and after just a few days, she would complain how she couldn't WAIT to go back to work. Huh, one can only dream....

(And I totally know that thanks to facebook and all her posts! It does have it's pros)

SO, that being said, I was "offended" lets say (that's code for 'pissed'). I can't quite shake what she said. She thinks my life is all bon bons and soap operas all day (I actually prefer godiva truffles when I can afford them, and soap operas bore me. I'd much rather watch Mob Wives).

I know she doesn't envy me-she's said before that she could never stay home. And you know what? I know many many mamas who would never ever want to stay at home, who much prefer to work outside the home for sanity's sake. And- I so GET that.

But-really? Why the need to "judge" me as if my job is all roses (it's so not!).

Do I judge her for working? NO! Totally envious of her most days. Ahh, to eat and pee in peace? To NOT have a toddler scream at you for the fifteenth time that day? To be able to converse with only adults? Who you don't have to wipe their asses or get peed on by them?

SIGN.ME.UP. has crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, she meant nothing at all by it?

And then I feel like a paranoid crazy lunatic who maybe could use a nap.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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