Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Funny kid sayings

So around our house I like to play a game called "Where did all these kids come from??"

They all respond "From your tummy!!!"

I say "Are you sure???!" They all yell "YES!!!!" at the top of their lungs. Such a fun game...

(And-really? I got kids coming out of my ears and it's all kind of a blur..
I joke they are like Gremlins. We had one, he must have eaten something and gotten wet at midnight, and then BAM! "he" became "they".

Once I said "Are you sure I didn't buy you all at the store??"

They all said "NO Mama!!" And then my sweet boy said, "Mama- they don't sell K-I-D-S at the store! That's crazy!!" He said it while looking at me like "Woman-what are you thinking??!"

Every so often this game leads to questions. "But HOW mama? HOW does the baby come out?" my oldest will ask. In fact, with my last pregnancy, he was obsessed with this topic.

To which I would respond "It just does. Go brush your teeth."

(Such a chicken I know, but I'm not quite ready for that story anytime soon)

And so this morning we started discussing who was born first, who was the biggest, smallest, middle, etc.

I told my daughter she didn't want to come out when it was her time (true story-which I will totally make her feel bad about once she's a bit older-it was by far the worst delivery. By FAR.


So anyhoo she responds in typical "her" fashion "I was looking at your bones!"

Funny kid....

FYI-It definitely felt like she was trying to grab ahold of a few on her way out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Kind words are always welcome(!) Unkind ones-not so much (ya big meanies!) ;)