Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Ok, I gotta be honest. My kindness project has taken a back seat to life.

Right now I'm working on simplicity.

As it's been pointed out to me, I am a bit of a perfectionist and well, if it can't be "perfect", then it's pointless.

That was my "then" attitude and now, I'm too tired to do any of that!

This morning as I was getting my son and daughter ready for school, I looked at my daughter's nails and they were so dirty and long.

(I swear I just cut them. I try to do all the kids around the same time so as not to spend my whole life cutting little fingernails like Groundhog Day)

"Your nails are so dirty!" I said more to myself than her.

"It's ok mama- it's only DIRT!"

Ahh, to be a kid again...

And you know what? She was absolutely right!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Kind words are always welcome(!) Unkind ones-not so much (ya big meanies!) ;)