Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Snow White and the Munchkins

Last night I had the worst migraine.


It felt like a Mac truck had run over a cantaloupe (my head) crushed it, and it was sitting there wedged under the tire.

So thankfully my hubby was home to take care of the kids= priceless.

I tried to rest in the bedroom with no luck, so I came out to eat in the living room to be part of the family.

I was so sick I couldn't even sit up at the table. I just kind of propped myself up on the couch and ate when I could stomach it.

It was a 'make me feel barfy' kind of migraine. (My personal fave!)

So anyway, at one point I guess the kids were worried about me because I was so quiet and lifeless.

My sweet son came to gently pat my hair.

My daughter brought over a stuffed animal for me to cuddle (it always makes HER feel better so that's her 'get better' remedy for everyone).

It was all very 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' except there were 3 dwarfs, not 7, and well they're kids, not dwarfs, but kids are kinda dwarf-like come to think of it, and one of them was screaming his little head off as babies tend to do-let's call THAT one 'Grumpy'.

It was so ethereal and serene, with them standing over me, all sweet and loving and well-still. (Minus the screaming in the background thanks to good ol' 'Grumpy'!)

Our home is rarely serene. Full of love, yes. Serene-maybe three times, tops?

I felt so at peace.

Then I thought, "Oh Lord, please let this not be a stroke! Am I dying? Is this my last breath?!" (I tend to be dramatic, I'm told)

It just felt too good to be true, that one peaceful moment.


I guess I lived! No Stroke.

And life is back to its crazy LOUD self.

(Sigh) It sure was nice while it lasted. (Except for the searing, rip-my-head-open pain, mind you)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. ;( I hate migraine days. I'm so glad the munchkins were kind and loving~well, except for Grumpy. But, who knows what he was sayin', you know? He might have been feeling empathy pain. ;( I pray you don't have another too soon. BTW, I can't seem to pass the first "word verification" test. I'm glad it gives me more chances~

  2. Wow. That's weird. Wonder if it's a glitch?


Kind words are always welcome(!) Unkind ones-not so much (ya big meanies!) ;)